Good grief!

I’m Dat, I good at software development, interested in DevOps, Serverless and SaaS to build product that helping people live better lives

In this blog, I note for myself what I learn, things I am interested in and memo to log everything I enjoy doing. All the opinions are my own and not the views of my employer or the company I work for.

Other thing about me:

  • In my leisure time, I enjoy reading comic strips, learning something FUN and turn striking ideas into real products.
  • One of my favourite philosophical quote is:

Boys, be ambitious!” by William S. Clark

The author authorizes the use or duplication of this material, relieving himself of any responsibility whether the content might be inaccurate or presenting errors.
Source code/sample in this blog is NOT recommended for production use, You have rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, use it at your own risk!.
All the Logo, trademarks are the properties of their respective owners.

This blog build by Jekyll, jekyll-TeXt-theme and lot of ice tea.
Big THANKS to Mi - my english’s teacher for helping correct grammar mistake :D