Kotlin coroutines anatomy (TBD)
How thread work under the hood
- Share memory
- Thread vs ThreadLocal
- Thread memory footprint
Thread communication
Pros & Cons
- Mutex (atomic)
- Asynchronous
- Race condition
- Dead lock
- Visibility & mutual object
Process communication
- Concept exist since 1950 (1960?)
- Also available in other language likes Go, Perl and Python
Coroutines element
- Suspendable function
- Coroutine builder: function that create coroutine and return Job
- Coroutine scope: include coroutine context: control how coroutine setup, cancel coroutine and choose which thread to run coroutine
- Coroutine context: rules for exceute coroutine
- Job & CoroutineDispatcher make up a coroutine context
- Job: track coroutine state, allow coroutines to be track and manually cancel early
- CoroutineDispatcher: dispatch coroutine to desire thread, build-in dispatchers:
- Dispatchers.Default: for general work, thread pool size = number of CPU core
- Dispatchers.IO: for IO work, thread pool size with high number of thread
- Dispatchers.Main: UI/main thread
- Dispatchers.Unconfined
- async/await
- Deferred
- Continuation
Coroutines builder
- launch
- async
How coroutines work
Coroutines under the hood
Structured concurrency
Coroutines communication
Coroutines evolution
- Sequential programming
- Callback hell Off-load work with worker thread and callback
- Rx
- Promise, Future, Deffer, Completable
Coroutines vs Thread
What is the pattern of Couroutines lib
- Thread low-level API vs Coroutines is high-level API under the hood it used thread pool
- Each thread cost around ~2M memory footprint
- Threads share memory in process
- Off-load work to worker thread
Pros vs Cons
- https://speakerdeck.com/elizarov
- https://dzone.com/articles/how-much-memory-does-a-java-thread-take